How does work?

Create a and publish your personality traits, communication styles, and other key attributes so your teammates can understand you better. These are personal characteristics that you would not communicate on a resume or Linkedin profile.

Preferred Communication Channels

Do you prefer written or verbal communication?

Personality Type

Publish your Meyers Brigs, Enneagram or PrinciplesYou archetype.

Preferred Working Times

Are you super productive early in the morning and prefer that meetings take place in the afternoon?

Language Preferences

Do you ’think’ in Mandarin but speak English?

Learning Style

What is your learning style? Visual, Verbal, Written.

Despised Communication Channels

Do you hate slack and SMS?


What is your superpower that you want your teammates to know about?

Project Organization

Do you thrive in chaos? or preferred a meticulously planned project?

Gender Pronouns

Do you have specific gender pronouns?

Title preferences

Do you have a PHD and prefer to be called Doctor?

Preferred Nicknames

Do you go by a nickname?

Pet Peeves

Do you have pet peeves that really irritate you?

Who benefits from having a Persona?

If you manage or work with teammates you should have a

Knowledge workers

Knowledge workers have complex jobs. Your ‘in the zone’ time must be protected. A helps you advertise how to work best with you. Do you prefer ‘No Meetings before lunch’ and think Slack is a time suck? Are you a wizard with statistics and prefer written communication? Let the world know with a

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Consultants work with wide range of ever evolving teammates. A helps your new team members and clients understand you better and how to get the most of your services.

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IT Teams

Working on large IT projects involves many types of people with differing and complementing skills. Advertising your will help you understand your team better.

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Executives require their direct reports to summarize and report critical business information in order for you to make key decisions. Sharing key aspects of your personality and decision making process with a aids your direct reports tailor reports and information in the most impactful way.

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Professors mentor an evolving set of students. A helps your students effectively communicate and understand you better.

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Example Persona’s

Sally hates Slack and prefers verbal face to face meetings. Do NOT expect any meaningful answers from her on Slack and don’t take it personally if she does not respond. Schedule a meeting to talk through issues.


Mark was born in France and ’thinks’ in French. He is a brilliant data scientist. However, you have to be mindful of his communication style when conversing in English. Always double check that he understands the requirements, and it was not misinterpreted.

Mark Dinn

Simple pricing for your


1 year of unlimited profile edits. published forever

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Add-On: Vanity URL

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Add-On: Choose a Custom Theme

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